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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

RABU : 13/09/2012


Hari ini agenda xberapa nk ade cume kami team technical dh dipindahkn ke bilik opis kami di jhepa laa..

Meeting aku akan datang
1) En Faisal 12/09/2012 - 2.00 pm di bilk siasatan Jhepa
2) Pn Paridah 14/09/2012 - 9.00 am di bilik kaunseling

Meeting with En Faisal
Time : 2.00-3.00 pm
Venue : Bilik Siasatan Jhepa
Agenda : Co-curriculum Module- Student Activity Application

This module will be linked with Jhepa Portal

The whole process
1) Student Access
- Username (e-com)
- Password (e-com)
2) Approval by
- Trigger Memo to N17 (activity unit)
- Will approve the activity based on student Id and Proposal No.
3) Submit the Application
- Directly to Penasihat Program
- Memo (choose the staff)
4) Approval Status
- Dipohon
- Dalam Proses
- Sila hadir untuk pembentangan
- Lulus/ Gagal
5) If have Budget
- > 1000 sila hadir utk pembentangan
- < 1000/tanpa bajet Lulus/Gagal

As requested from En. Faisal
·         The proposal must be fill in by student. (Upload File idea was cancelled)
·         Student Id’s report will be assign by En Faisal
o   Ex : LE09001 (LE-Leadership Program, 09-Batch Student,01-Number of program)
·         Submit button will go directly to Penasihat Program (Memo-choose the staff to approve the program)
·         Some of the field will include the Comment field if anything comment from approval
·         Each of the field will directly linked to another department
o   Ex : Transport will go to JPPH (Jabatan Pengankutan)
o   Ex : Budget. Pop up message will come out to show the detail of the budget
o   Ex : Date. Pop up the calendar to show which date has been booking with other students.
o   Ex : Officer in Charge. Will pop-up the Pic’s biografy
·         If can include the Notify. (Alert Time^^)
·         *kesemua borang atau jenis-jenis budget ada di portal jhepa.
·         In future : Mobile Applications.

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