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Thursday, September 20, 2012

KHAMIS : 20/09/2012


Meeting with all user (JHEPA)

Time : 3.00-5.00pm
Vanue : Bilik Mensyuarat SAFFAD
Agenda : Discussing Jhepa System

1) Memperkenalkan beberapa sistem baru
- Permohonan Skim Pelajar Bekerja
- Bantuan Yuran Pengajian
- Permohonan Insurans
- Asrama - Latihan Industri
- Asrama - Pelajar Luar Kampus
- Asrama - Permohonan Pascasiswazah
- Asrama - Pendaftaran Elektrik
- Asrama - Permohonan sistem keluar masuk pelajar selepas pkul 12 malam
Keluar Masuk selepas 12 Malam- proses
1) Isi dalam ecom
2) Trigger to Security, Fellow, place, who
3) print out n send by hand to fello then pas to guard..
** coming soon (RFID-Touch system)

Go through to all process map for each module..
so utk part aku..ade laa beberapa process aku bt 1 j utk fasa 1..

Process Map of Postgraduate Hostel Application

ase mcm xpenah bt je process map neh dulu mse belajar..heee..^^

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