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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

KHAMIS: 6/09/2012


Bengkel JSP oleh En. Wan Azlee
Vanue: Bilik CAIC ( Portal Pusat Inovasi & Daya Saing Akademik )
Time: 8.00 am - 4.30 pm

JSP = Java Server Pages

is a technology that helps software developer create dynamically generated web pages based on HTML, XML or other document types. To deploy and run Java Server Pages, a compatible web server with a servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat or Jetty is required.

JSP pages use several delimiters for scripting funtions. The most basic is

<%........ - Pembuka coding
..............%> - Penutup coding which encloses a JSP scriptlet

A scriptlet is a fragment of Java code that is run when user requests the page. Other common delimiters :

<%= ....  for expressions

<%@ ...  for directives

Installation Tools
1) Tomcat
2) SQLdeveloper

benefits untuk bengkel ini adalah...yeayy!!mkn free dari pagi sampai ke petang..^^

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