Email Address:

Create a web form here

Monday, December 3, 2012

[ISNIN-JUMAAT] 26-30/11/2012


pembetulan lagi srs tuh..So dh jadik SRS V02
1) Tarikh Version document

Penambahan SRS Punye module 2 lagi xlengkap module
1) User Setup Module
2) Demerit Under Discipline Module
3) Merit Under Student Activity Module
4) Welfare separate dgn Discipline punye Module

Buat prosess map bagi modul module baru

Sambungan Interface bg death compensation
1) SF_Jhepa_Admin_List
2) SF_Jhepa_Admin_New
3) SF_Khairat_Print_Application_PopUp
4) SF_Khairat_Application_View
5) SF_Khairat_Report
6) SF_Khairat_Report_List
7) SF_Setting

[ISNIN-JUMAAT] 19-23/11/2012


SRS V01 dh dihantar pada en Irman untuk semakan teknikal..

jadi terdapat banyak la kesalahan - kesalahan teknikal nyaa..

1) Logo UMP baru
2) Indent kne same sume document
3) Font and size xkisah asalkn same sume document
4) Tajuk projek kne betul

sementara itu.. menyiapkan interface untuk death compensation
1) STD_Khairat_App_Form_Term
1) SF_Khairat_PenilaianJhepa

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ISNIN-RABU-JUMAAT : 12/14/16 NOV 2012


setelah 2 minggu ade bermacam-macam srs haruslahh disiapkan..
soo minggu neh hanyaa bt srs shaja..


hantar pada en zul
checkk /

then hantar pada kak sukmaa

pastuh hantar pada pihak PTMK

dh approved semuaa pihakk baru laa blh beralih pada SDD^^

[BENGKEL SRS] 5-8 NOV 2012


huh!!penatt wokkk penatt wokk!!Lepas je habis bengkel oracle form tuh..terus ade bengkel srs!!

Time : 5-8 NOV 2012
Agenda : SRS Requirement with user

wokexx tujuann bengkel neh ade sb nk collect requirement dari user laa..yelahh user aku bz user aku neh asik ade program dgn student je tuh laa kne ade kan bengkel neh..nk cek requirement ape y ade dh n ape y belum ade..


hari fes : HOSTEL MODULE by kak ita and m..
user : Pn Nora and Pn Noraini
hari second : KEBAJIKAN DAN DISIPLIN MODULE by aku and mimi
user : Pn Kamalia
hari ketiga : COCURRICULUM MODULE by alin and acik
user : En Faisal and En Rahman
                : COUSELLING MODULE by En afif and normah
user : Pn Paridah
user : kesemua PTJ y terlibat ... Fin, BPA, JPPH and etc...

so skrg neh kami dh dpt 99% requirement daripada blh start dh bt SRS



hari terakhir bengkel
pic : En Ahmad Ruszaini

tup tap tup tap
berakhir sudaa bengkel oracle form neh..
tp hari last neh aku xbt ape2 pun pasal oracle..
sebaliknye bt keje report dgn sediakn template srs!!
sb esoknye ade bengkel srs plak!!

siann en ahmad..kteorg xdgr ckp dy!
nk bt mcm mne en. tbe2 je kak sukma suh bt template tuh..
dh laa nk print xsempatt laa..huhu...

hbis je BC..siapkan document lain..
hidangannn kerja di malam hari...

bekerjaa di BC smpaii malamm..yeahhh^^

esokkk ade bengkell srs di INDRA SEMPURNA RESORT selamaa 4 harii jugakk^^



ari ketiga bengkel
pic : En Ahmad Ruszaini

arineh ari cuti tp aku ade bengkel..heee^^

aku p bengkel lmbt hari p kedaii tayar tayarr masuk paku...hee..

so harineh smbung chapter 11 smpai 20..^^

Chapter 11 - creating windows and content canvases
- windows can display multiple content canvases, but can display only one canvas at a time
- content canvases are display only in the window to which they are assigned
- you must assign at least one content canvas to each window in your application
- you create windows in the object navigator; one is created by default with each new module

Chapter 12 - working other canvas types
- the different types of canvases and their relationships to each other
- create a toolbar and tabbed interfaces

Chapter 13 - Introduction to Triggers
- Triggers are event-activated program units
- can categorize triggers based on function or name to help to understand how they work
- the execution hierarchy trigger property alters the firing sequence of a trigger.

Chapter 14 - Producing Triggers
- can use the PL/SQL Editor to write trigger code.
- trigger code has 3 sections
 * declaration section (optional)
 * Executable statements section (required)
 * Exception handlers section (optional)

Chapter 15 - Debugging Triggers

Chapter 16 - Adding Functionality to Items
- use trigger to supplement the functionality of
-- input items:
When-[CheckBox | Radio]-Changed
When-List-[Changed | Activated]
-- noninput items:
When-Image-[Pressed | Activated]
When-Tree-Node-[Activated | Expended | Selected]
- can call usefull buitl-ins from triggers:
                  [GET | SET]_TREE_PROPERTY
                   REGISTER_BEAN, ENABLE_EVENT

Chapter 17 - Run Time Message and Alerts
- Forms displays message at run time to inform the operator of events that occur in the sessions.
- 4 type of Form messages:
 * Informative
 * Error
 * Working
 * Application

Chapter 18 - Query Triggers

Chapter 19 - Validation
- Validating the Sales Representative item value by using an LOV
- writing a validation trigger to check that online orders are CREDIT orders
- Populating customer names, sales representative names, and IDs when a customer ID is changed
- writing a validation trigger to populate the name and the price of the product when the product ID is changed.

Chapter 20 - Navigation

huh!!habiss sudaahh sume chapter..En Ahmad ckp chap 21-25 xyh kuliah pun xpe..blh bace bce sndrii jelah..erkk..bace ke..^^



hari 2nd bengkel
pic : En. Ahmad Ruszaini

sambung chapter semalam..chapter 5 smpai chapter 10

untuk chapter 5 - Creating a Master for Detail Form
for this chapter kite akan dapat

1) Create data Blocks with relationship
-create by using data block wizard
-relation Object by using Object Navigator
-creating a relation manually
-join condition will creates primary-foreign key link between blocks
   *define a join condition using:
     - block and item names (not table and column names)
     - Do not precede names with colon
     - SQL equijoin syntax
- deletion properties

2) Modify a data block
-by using property palette
-Coordination Properties
  * default
  * deferred with auto query
  * deferred without auto query
- running a master -detail from module

3) Modify the layout of a data block
- by using frame property palette - change property values
4) Run a master-detail form

untuk chapter 6 -Working with data Blocks and Frames
- Identify the components of the Property Palette
- Manage object properties
- Create and use Visual Attributes
- Control the behavior and appearance of data blocks
-control frame properties
- create blocks that do not directly correspond to database tables
- delete data blocks and their components.

dalam chapter 6 neh byk ajar pasal tukar2 font tukar2 kaler laa..lebey kurang gtuh laa...

Chapter 7 - Working with Text Items
- Text Item for Querying, inserting, updating, deleting
- Modifying the Appearance of a Text Item General and Physical Properties
 * Modify he font and color properties
 * Prompt
- Controlling the Data of a Text Item
 * Format masks
--standard SQL Formats
--Nonstandard formats
- Adding Functionality to a Text Item
 * Conceal Data Property
 * keyboard Navigable and Enabled
 * Multi-line Text Item
 * Help Properties

Note: allow for formats mask's embedded characters when defining Width property.

Chapter 8 - Creating LOVs and Editors (list of values)
- Describe LOVs and Editors
- Design, cretae and associate LOVs with text items in a form module
- Create editors and associate them with text items in a form module.

Chapter 9 - Creating Additional Inputs Item
- Identify the item types that allow input
- create a check box
- create a list item
- create a radio group
- Converting a text item to , a list item, check box item, radio group
- also adding a radio buttons to the radio group.

Chapter 10 - Creating Noninput Items
- Identify items type that do not allow input
- create a display item
- create a button
- create a calculated item
- create a hierarchical tree item
- create a bean area item

cam bese dh habis bengkel silaa la bt exercisee yep^^

Thursday, November 1, 2012



hari fes bengkel
pic :

untuk setengah hari neh kami sume install oracle form aje..
oracle form 11g ditukarkn pada oracle form 10g
so install
1-database oracle 32bit
2-oracle form 10g
kalu gune oracle form 10g xyh nk install web logic..n lagi ok dari oracle form 11g

1. Database - Setup
2. Right click "setup" - Properties
3. select "compatibility" section
4. compatibility mode - untick windows xp (service pack 3)
5. Display setting - "Disable display scalling on high DPI settings"
6. Privilege Level - Run as Administrator
7. Apply
8. Ok

if Error, check SWAP SPACE
1. mycomputer - Properties
2. Advanced system setting - Performance section - settings
3. Advanced - virtual memory section - change
4. "select driver"- enter min size > 1535

if kalu xingt database name
1. go to SQL Plus
2. select name from v$database;

if lock oe and hr
sql plus

SQL>alter user oe account unlock
SQL>alter user oe identified by admin

Connection to database to the form builder
-use netscape with jinitiator plugin..

do exercise 4: create new folder^^
- exercise done^^

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

ISNIN-RABU : 29-31/10/2012


setelah 2 minggu xdak keje..akhirnye..hujung hujung bulan neh kne install oracel..

intallation tools
1-Netscape Navigator
2-JRE 1.7/1.6
5-Web Logic
6-Oracle Fussion
7-Oracle form 11g

okeyy ade masalh besaqqq!failed aje!so smbung besok!
aku ade bengkel oracle selama 4 hari!
so weekend neh jgn mimpi laa nk bgun lmbt ke ape ke kn..
bengkel oracle
1-4 Nov 2012
Bilik Mesyuarat Senat, KPU

Sunday, October 7, 2012

KHAMIS-JUMAAT : 05-06/10/2012


dh siap bt interfaces utk semua module fasa 1..kami kne bt srs laa plak y sepatutnye keje budak dyorg ckp tkut xsempat nk bt setiap y pegang modul2 antara kami kne bt srs laa plak..

so kami bt srs gune template bussiness centre..^^

ISNIN-RABU : 01/-04/10/2012


arineh tazkirah xdak sb PM p Indon ade launch system baru kt keje y xsiap kne smbung laa arineh..cume kne bt Interfaces dummy interface laa..

sblm tuh ade 2 fresh programmer masuk arineh..Acik dgn Lin

so kami bgg2 bt interfaces laa dgn dyorg

ayu & mimi = pembiayaan & disiplin
kak zita & m = Kolej Kediaman Asrama
alin & acik = sistem aktiviti pelajar

so dummy interface pembiayaan & disiplin gini laa..

student application

student view status

so y lain2 xsiap lagi..^^ kne bt bahagian student dgn staff punye..^^

JUMAAT : 28/09/2012


keje semalamm dismabung lagi harineh..heee
so update carta alir dan slide utk presentation^^

KHAMIS : 27/09/2012


macam biasa..baiki proses map kalu salah..lagi 1 aku kne siapkan slide y full dgn carta alir setiap modul utk fasa y petama..hishh neh spatutnye user y kne bg kt since user bz aku pun bt laa..tujuannya..nk bg budak master je xleh bt sndri..hahaha..tetttt!!

carta alir utk e-Election Application

carta alir utk Short Semester Application

so setiap module laa ade carta memudahkan utk permamahan keseluruhan sistem mcm mane..

RABU : 26/09/2012


Meeting with En. Fazir
Time: 10.00 am
- Sistem Rekod Pelajar- update function xblh jalan..masalah oracle form..Jhepa xleh nk bace data y student bru update..cume BPA je blh trace database student tuh..
- Sistem Perwakilan Pelajar - xdak lagi
- Sistem Merit = pencapaian pelajar + disiplin

e-Election System
1) Student Apply
2) Memo to Dean and Academic Advisor - blh reject kalu cgpa xmenepati
3) Jhepa Approval

Meeting with En Fazir next week!

SELASE : 25/09/2012


Ape y aku bt harineh..xbyk pun..byk membazir pd bende y kene ulang byk2 kali..@..@

1) Discussing the process map
2) Briefing to master student
3) Discuss ERD/SDD----> On Going!

ISNIN : 24/09/2012


Buat process map baru..user xboleh nk sediakn process kami2 y kne enough requirement..wah!!kene berdiri di atas bangkuu laa gini...hee^^

New Process Map
- Hostel Application for Short Semester
- Hostel Application for Industrial Student
- Complain Management System
- System Check In/Out after 12AM--New system

JUMAAT : 21/09/2012


Discussing Process Map on Hostel Module
Using Mic Visio to drawing the process map
- Hostel Application for Undergraduate and postgraduate
- Student Activity Application

Hostel Registration Application

Student Activity Application

Thursday, September 20, 2012

KHAMIS : 20/09/2012


Meeting with all user (JHEPA)

Time : 3.00-5.00pm
Vanue : Bilik Mensyuarat SAFFAD
Agenda : Discussing Jhepa System

1) Memperkenalkan beberapa sistem baru
- Permohonan Skim Pelajar Bekerja
- Bantuan Yuran Pengajian
- Permohonan Insurans
- Asrama - Latihan Industri
- Asrama - Pelajar Luar Kampus
- Asrama - Permohonan Pascasiswazah
- Asrama - Pendaftaran Elektrik
- Asrama - Permohonan sistem keluar masuk pelajar selepas pkul 12 malam
Keluar Masuk selepas 12 Malam- proses
1) Isi dalam ecom
2) Trigger to Security, Fellow, place, who
3) print out n send by hand to fello then pas to guard..
** coming soon (RFID-Touch system)

Go through to all process map for each module..
so utk part aku..ade laa beberapa process aku bt 1 j utk fasa 1..

Process Map of Postgraduate Hostel Application

ase mcm xpenah bt je process map neh dulu mse belajar..heee..^^

RABU : 19/09/2012


aku rasa harineh laa y paling2 aku relex time LI neh..dan paling2 xdak keje..lagi 1 laptop plakk xbawakk sb adik aku gune..maklumlaa lapii sndrii duk hospital..prosess penambahan xdak ape nk bt..tapii ada jamuann raya FSKKP..makann makan makann..lame2 aku ase aku jdik pelupe..hadoh22..lupe sungguh ape y baru dickpkn..neh sume akibat makan jamuan raya..sume bende nk bedal.. neh saje gambas divass y ade bt tatapan blog LI...y lain jgn jeless keyy^^perut kenyang hati riang mata pun terbayang2 katill^^

SELASA : 18/09/2012


Meeting with Pn Noraffah

Time : 10.00-10.30am
Vanue : KK3

tak byk dpt info sb byk student nk jupe Pn sikit jelah..mase jupe pun kejap.bincang pasal modul Hostel je..

* Complain Management Module - Komplen y baru harus kt ats..menjimatkn mase nk scroll bwh2..Notify the complain^^--senang nk tgk
* Student Short Sem Hostel Application
* Student LI Hostel Application - Trigger from BPA..xyh nk carik sndri secara manual

kesemua module ini harus diperbaiki dan ditambahkan fungsinya..

Meeting with Pn Noraini

Time : 10.30-11.45am
Vanue : KK1

Module y nk dibuang dari IMS student
* Allocation JPK
* Set Up JPK
* Allocation Process

Membincangkan fasa 1 dahulu
* Hostel Application for Postgraduate--dibuka sepajang tahun
* Letter Management
--process 1) KK key in (Student Letter)
                2) Trigger memo to student
                3) Student amik brg

Untuk fasa ke2 akan dibincangkan akan datang
* Hostel Check out
* Application for Electric things.

>> dapat catar alir utk pascasiswazah dan keseluruhan modul utk Hostel Application.
>> Perlu buat process map utk setiap process bg setiap module..ON GOING^^next entry akan tunjukn process map tuh^^

Friday, September 14, 2012

JUMAAT : 14/09/2012


bese laa..mule2 neh..ape lagi..Meeting dgn user jelah..hehe

Meeting with Pn Paridah Md Ali
Date :
Time :
9.00-10.38 am
Venue :
Bilik Kaunseling
Agenda :
-          Briefing the process of Counseling Module
-          Add-on the Menu
i.                    Time Slip
ii.                  Pop-up Message
iii.                Attendance of Student Session
-          Stress out the Search Button (Report Menu)

As requested by Pn Paridah Md Ali

Sistem e-Kaunseling

-Request and Feedback Session
     * Both student and Counselor will get the notification at Outside Memo
-Each of Kes Peribadi and Kes Umum, if click on that link will come out pop-message about the case. (Who requested it?)
- Appointment
      * Add on the field such are
        i.          Phone number
       ii.          Picture
iii.                Room Number
- Report
   * Sorting the report based on
        i.         Year
        ii.        Faculty etc.
- Other counselor can see the report also

Sistem Kaunseling (IMS)
-          Student P1,P2
·         Profile student by Faculty
·         History of the students
-          Attendance of Student Session (Appointment)
·         Report based on year, gender, faculty, case, etc.
-          Time Slip
·         Notify each of PA and Counselor about the sessions
-          Referred Case
·         Each PA and Counselor can refer each other about the student case.
-          Extend Student
·         Listing by name, id, etc
-          Activities/Program
·         Add, Edit, Update the program
-          Counseling Session
·         Status

Lepas meeting!!aku ade jamuan raya plak dgn Jabatan PTMK..wah2..besh gak jdik pkeje neh..mkn free aje..^^

Bengkel E-Management 

Time : 4.30-5.30 pm
Vanue : Bilik Mesyuarat Senat KPU
PIC : PM Wan Maseri


e-Management Principle
* Integration
* Automation
* Intelligence
* Paperless
* Dynamic

Bengkel neh macam nk bg pendedahan kenapa kite kne ade strategi pengurusan bile nk intergrate sesuatu system tuh..xdak laa bt membuta tuli je..etika pengurusan development la priciples tuh y penting kite ikot sbnrnye..ade lagi sub2 aku xlarat nk taip..heee..sile laa browse di moyang google yee^^

next meeting selase..errkk..bakal berjumpa dgn org pling xdigemari..*ohh terusterangnye..@..@

Selamat menyambut 1Malaysia 16 Sept---im4U<<<okey aku tgh gilakn lagu neh..^^seninn cutii lagikk!!^^

Thursday, September 13, 2012

KHAMIS : 13/09/2012


Harineh xdak Agenda..cume ade Jamuan Raya UMP ape lagi..p mencekik byk2..^^

so sempat amik dlm 2 3 gambar je bt tatapan LI punye blog..hehehe

kepada geng2 y intern kt tempat lain tuh..JANGAN JELES...^^

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

RABU : 13/09/2012


Hari ini agenda xberapa nk ade cume kami team technical dh dipindahkn ke bilik opis kami di jhepa laa..

Meeting aku akan datang
1) En Faisal 12/09/2012 - 2.00 pm di bilk siasatan Jhepa
2) Pn Paridah 14/09/2012 - 9.00 am di bilik kaunseling

Meeting with En Faisal
Time : 2.00-3.00 pm
Venue : Bilik Siasatan Jhepa
Agenda : Co-curriculum Module- Student Activity Application

This module will be linked with Jhepa Portal

The whole process
1) Student Access
- Username (e-com)
- Password (e-com)
2) Approval by
- Trigger Memo to N17 (activity unit)
- Will approve the activity based on student Id and Proposal No.
3) Submit the Application
- Directly to Penasihat Program
- Memo (choose the staff)
4) Approval Status
- Dipohon
- Dalam Proses
- Sila hadir untuk pembentangan
- Lulus/ Gagal
5) If have Budget
- > 1000 sila hadir utk pembentangan
- < 1000/tanpa bajet Lulus/Gagal

As requested from En. Faisal
·         The proposal must be fill in by student. (Upload File idea was cancelled)
·         Student Id’s report will be assign by En Faisal
o   Ex : LE09001 (LE-Leadership Program, 09-Batch Student,01-Number of program)
·         Submit button will go directly to Penasihat Program (Memo-choose the staff to approve the program)
·         Some of the field will include the Comment field if anything comment from approval
·         Each of the field will directly linked to another department
o   Ex : Transport will go to JPPH (Jabatan Pengankutan)
o   Ex : Budget. Pop up message will come out to show the detail of the budget
o   Ex : Date. Pop up the calendar to show which date has been booking with other students.
o   Ex : Officer in Charge. Will pop-up the Pic’s biografy
·         If can include the Notify. (Alert Time^^)
·         *kesemua borang atau jenis-jenis budget ada di portal jhepa.
·         In future : Mobile Applications.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

SELASA : 11/09/2012


Sepatutnye ade bengkel ORACLE tp cancel pulak sb PM Maseri ade hal..

Meeting again

Time : 10.00 am/11/09/2012
Vanue : Bilik Mesyuarat Jhepa
Topic : System Jhepa
Department : Hostel, Counselling, Curriculum, Finance, etc

1. En Zul memberi taklimat/ pendedahan berkenaan dengan Module System Jhepa
2. Hujung bulan (31.9.12)- target URS version 1 akan siap

Priority of Module

1. Profile
2. Disiplin/Sistem Kebajikan/Pembayaran (DEMERIT)
3. Kolej Kediaman
4. Sistem Aktiviti Pelajar
5. Sistem DEMERIT under Disiplin
6. Sistem Kaunselling
8. Portal Alumni

Phase of Module
- Phase 1 (October-November) Module 1,2,5
- Phase 2 (December-Januari) Module 3,6
- Phase 3 (Februari) Module System Portal Alumni, System Penanjaan/Sponsor/Payment

Meeting with En Zul
Time : 2.30 pm
1- Akhir bulan document URS mesti dh siap utk V1
2- Jumpa user untuk briefing more about the module
3- Concentrate for 1st Phase (coding)

Adds on module
1) Hostel Module - Pendaftaran Barang Elektrik
                            - Pendaftaran Pelajar
                            - Sistem Permohonan KK (Pascasiswazah)
------> Pn Noraini
2) Co-curriculum Module - e-Election
                                        - Penenmpatan Pelajar
                                        - Inventori HEP
------> En Abdul Rahman

ISNIN : 10/09/2012


Tazkirah pada setiap hari isnin
Time : 8:13 am
Vanue : Meeting Room BC
PIC : Prof Wan Maseri
Topic : Spiritual Intelligence - Hakikiat Kehidupan Manusia

reff --- surah Sajdah
" Ya Baari
Ya Sammi
Ya Sommad"

11.30 am Meeting with En Zul
- briefing about user specification
- kalu blh jumpa customer 2 jam seminggu sebelum akhir bulan 9 untuk siapkan user requirement specification (URS)

JUMAAT : 7/09/2012


sekadar imbasan tentang JSP semalam..
meeting dgn En Zul iaitu Project Manager dan berkenalan dengan Team Technical yang lain yang kebanyakannye freelances...

Project under Business Centre terdiri dari HR System dan HEPA system

Imbasan Modul system e-community (JHEPA system)

1. Admin Module
2. Alumni Module
3. Counseling Module
4. Payment and Discipline Module
5. Hostel Module
6. Curriculum Module

setiap modul-modul ini akan dibahagikan sub-sub modul

aku punya modul

1. Admin Module - Sistem Rekod Pelajar
                            - Pengurusan Program
                            - System Pengumuman
2. Alumni Module - Sistem e-Kaunseling
                            - Sistem kaunseling

jadi tugas aku adalalah untuk siapkan URS - User Requirement Specification
jadi diharuskan berjumpa dengan PIC y terbabit

1) Unit Pentadbiran & Kewangan - Pn Azlina Abdul Mubin
2) Unit Kokurikulum - En Faisal Mohd
3) Unit Kaunseling - Pn Paridah

next meeting with Jhepa on Tuesday 11/6/12--Bilik Persidangan SAFFAD

KHAMIS: 6/09/2012


Bengkel JSP oleh En. Wan Azlee
Vanue: Bilik CAIC ( Portal Pusat Inovasi & Daya Saing Akademik )
Time: 8.00 am - 4.30 pm

JSP = Java Server Pages

is a technology that helps software developer create dynamically generated web pages based on HTML, XML or other document types. To deploy and run Java Server Pages, a compatible web server with a servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat or Jetty is required.

JSP pages use several delimiters for scripting funtions. The most basic is

<%........ - Pembuka coding
..............%> - Penutup coding which encloses a JSP scriptlet

A scriptlet is a fragment of Java code that is run when user requests the page. Other common delimiters :

<%= ....  for expressions

<%@ ...  for directives

Installation Tools
1) Tomcat
2) SQLdeveloper

benefits untuk bengkel ini adalah...yeayy!!mkn free dari pagi sampai ke petang..^^

Monday, September 10, 2012

~Internship oh intership~


disebabkan aku amik peduli dengan tak amik peduli maka aku akhirnya melalukan LI ataupun latihan industri di UMP cuma... aku pun pelik laa nape xdak company nk amik aku intership..ade org la ckp aku neh xreti nk jual diri..means bt resume elok2 org ckp laa kalu dh rezeki kt UMP..mintak la kt mne pun stil dpt UMP jugak disini laa aku menghabiskan LI aku sampai laa 6 bulan akan datang..besh jugak LI kt ump..blh jumpe kwn2 y extend sem..ramaii laa xdak laa aku sorg2 ape lagi..jom kite enjoyy time LI..^^

jadi blog ini akan digunakan untuk aku catat2 ape yang akn berlaku sepanjang latihan industri aku neh..kot2 laa aku xtulis dalam logbook ke..senang nk bt refer nnt..kan?kan?kan?

kingoflife 1= bersemangat nk berLI..doakan kami dan rakan-rakan yang lain
kingoflife 2= semoga ada hikmah LI di UMP